Sunday, December 2, 2012

How to make fried dough at home.

Fried Dough
As you can see in this picture I rolled them up and fried them it was so delicious and so soft in the inside. You can have them at anytime of the day. you can also sprinkle them with sugar powder, cinnamon sugar, spread it with a little light butter or eat it plain. Have them with your coffee to. 
As you can see in this picture I made it step by step so you can see how it came out. Like I said you can roll them into little balls or flat them out and fried them its up to you.


2 cups of all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons cold butter, in 1/2 cubes
3/4 cup lukewarm water

1) Mix the flour, baking powder, and salt

2) work in the cold butter, you can use a blender, or use your fingers.

3) Stir in warm water to make a soft dough. Cover and let it rest for 15 mins.

4) Now take the dough and divided them into eight pieces. Working with one pieces at a time, roll it into a thin 5" round, about 3/8" thick.

5) Heat vegetable oil to 375'F in a electric frying pan, or a pan over a burner.

6) Pick one dough up, and carefully lower it into the pan. Let it cook for 60 second (it'll puff up on top and become light brown on the bottom) then flip it to the other side and let it cook for 60 seconds. you dont want to over cook them they will become overly crisp.

7) Remove from oil and set on a paper towel, now you can add your own flavor sugar powder, cinnamon sugar, butter, syrup, even strawberry jam etc...

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